Ann Williams Art

This is a home for my art, where I can share my sketches and paintings with family, friends and anyone else who passes by. I work mainly in watercolour because it is low maintenance compared with acrylics or oils. That doesn’t mean watercolour is easy – in fact, I think it is more difficult than other mediums because it is the water that controls the outcome. But as any watercolourist knows, it’s the “accidents” that are often the best bit of a finished painting!
My focus is on landscapes and urban scapes. My inspiration comes from the world around me, particularly patterns and the way light falls on the land or on buildings. Patterns can be interlocking hills, rooftops in a village, umbrellas at an outdoor cafe, sailing boats in a harbour. I like to work “en plein air” though I often add watercolour washes to sketches back home.
I’ll add occasional blog posts about the practicalities of sketching and drawing. Hopefully, I can help a few budding artists out there.